Barrett Town Scholarship Program Endowment – 2021

For the 6th consecutive year, HTIL continued its mission of impacting the lives of students from the Barrett Town Community in (St. James, Jamaica) through its annual scholarship program. However, 2020-2021 school period was affected by Covid: school was online, and the award presentation wasn’t held as normal. Four students (2 from Barrett Town Primary and 2 John Rollins Success …

Barrett Town Scholarship Program Endowment – 2020

For the 5th consecutive year, HTIL continued its mission of impacting the lives of students from the Barrett Town Community in (St. James, Jamaica) through its annual scholarship program. Four students (2 from Barrett Town Primary and 2 from John Rollings Primary) – who were the top performers in the high school entrance exams (PEP) – were awarded school supplies …

Barrett Town Scholarship Program Fourth Endowment – 2019

For the fourth consecutive year, HTIL realized its mission of impacting the lives of students from the Barrett Town Community in (St. James, Jamaica) through its annual scholarship program. With the addition of 4 new scholarship recipients for the 2019-2020 school year, HTIL bequeathed stipends and back to school supplies to 17 scholars. The 17 scholars included Academic Awardees: 2019 …

Special Delivery for Jaheim

On Christmas Day, in what was a surprise, Mr. Hemmings showed up at the door steps of Jaheim Gordon (one of the scholarship recipients who was featured in HTIL Scholarship fundraiser video), and accompanying him was a small gift bag and big black sack – all with gifts, on behalf of HTIL for Jaheim. The gifts included: 4 pairs of …